22 Apr Spring is Here – Time to Consider Irrigation
The signs are everywhere. Birds are singing in the trees. Fields are full of sheep with their lambs. Flowers are blooming in gardens and in the landscape. What’s going on? Spring is here – time to think about irrigation!
There’s a good reason that gardeners’ thoughts turn in that direction round about now. Until this point in the year, there have been plenty of wet days. Of course there may be plenty more in store – you can never tell what the British weather will do next. (Although you can check the forecast on the BBC Weather website). But we’ve now had lots of days without rain, and it doesn’t take many before gardens start to dry out and we have to water them ourselves. Lugging a watering can or even a hosepipe around can start to become a chore rather than a pleasure. As soon as that happens, gardeners start thinking ahead and wondering whether an irrigation system might be beneficial.
The answer is yes, it undoubtedly will be! Irrigation really does help gardens thrive. A well-designed system will ensure that every plant receives the exact amount of water it needs at exactly the time it needs it. Even in the height of summer you can relax and let your Rosewood system do the watering. No more watering cans or hoses. Just enjoy the results! But don’t wait too long. As the weather warms up and we get less rain, Rosewood gets booked up further and further ahead. Call us now on 01727 811448 so that you don’t have to wait until next year.