18 Sep Raised Vegetable Beds – Raised Irrigation!
As we reach the end of summer and move into autumn, vegetable gardeners are enjoying their harvest. It seems the ideal moment to share news with you of a recent job. One of our recent irrigation clients wanted sprinklers to water vegetables in raised beds. You can see how we dealt with this, in our accompanying picture. Raised vegetable beds need raised sprinklers – we’ll explain how.
When designing the irrigation for these beds, we put the sprinkler heads on tall risers, so that the gentle spray mimics natural rainfall. Risers come in many different heights, so it’s just a matter of choosing what’s required. A lawn only needs short risers for pop-up sprinklers in the grass, whereas tall shrubbery needs tall risers.
Of course, some raised vegetable beds will require different sorts of irrigation entirely. Dripline targets only the roots of the plants, for example. Try this link to read more about different irrigation for vegetable gardens. Whatever your requirements, we can design something to suit them. And all Our Systems are of the highest quality. Give Rosewood a call and we’ll design irrigation especially tailored to you and your particular garden. When we come for a quotation visit we ask detailed questions about your current and future planting to enable us to work out the best system for you. Why not get in touch to talk to us about what’s possible?