27 Apr NHS – these irrigation rainbows are for you
We all know that NHS staff working in the front line of the fight against Covid-19 are brave and dedicated. Like many other companies and individuals, we at Rosewood wanted to add our voices to those people using the rainbow image to show our support and appreciation, as well as to add a note of hope in dark times. So, thanks to all of you who risk your own lives daily to care for those who need you. NHS – these irrigation rainbows are for you.
As you probably know, rainbows are created when white sunlight passes through a prism of some kind – in this case the water droplets. The prism bends the different colours in the light so they split and spread out into a visible band of colours. And there’s just something about them that lifts the spirits!
If you or someone you know needs a rainbow to cheer them up, some well known artists can help you. You can download Damien Hirst’s Butterfly Rainbow free here: Damien Hirst NHS Rainbow or you can send one of Quentin Blake’s Rainbow e-cards to a friend from this link: Quentin Blake Rainbow e-cards
Stay safe and keep hopeful,
The Rosewood team
Please note – the last rainbow is from here :wikimedia rainbow
NHS – these irrigation rainbows are for you!