Hidden Irrigation

If you’ve ever thought about having an irrigation system in your garden, you probably know what an amazing job it would do.  Even so, you might have worries about how it would look.  Would it be practical, but ugly?  You can imagine how it would help your plants thrive, but might it at the same time create an eyesore?  We can reassure you!  Of course, any irrigation system is made up of elements that could be regarded as unattractive, just like other practical garden items like a water butt.  However, you won’t see them!  Hidden irrigation is what we aim for – read on to find out more.

When we design a system for the automatic watering of a garden, our first concern is to make sure it will do the job properly.  Every plant should get exactly the water it needs.  However, we don’t create systems that will spoil the way your garden looks!  First of all, the majority of the system will be hidden anyway.  We lay pipes to carry the water beneath the soil surface.  We do often place dripline on the surface of beds and borders, but we then bury it under a layer of mulch, making it invisible.  Pop-up sprinklers for lawns rest at soil level when they aren’t in use, so the grass hides them.  And of course when they pop-up to water the lawn, they create an effect that most people love.  They’re as good as a fountain!

So does everything look great?

We have to admit that there’s one item that people might say is ugly.  Many of our systems include a water tank, as it allows us to supply water to the system at the perfect flow rate and pressure.  A tank isn’t the prettiest thing in your garden, it has to be said, and they’re fairly large.  However, we strive to site a tank out of view wherever possible.  If you have outbuildings like a shed or bin store, we can put the tank behind them.  Likewise, if you have large shrubs we can often hide the tank behind them so they’re out of sight.  Our picture shows a recent installation, where we’ve put a tank at the back of a border.  At the moment you can see it, but the young shrubs will grow fast and soon conceal the tank completely.  And if there’s no alternative position, in a garden with nowhere suitable, we can even bury the tank in the ground in a location where digging won’t disturb planting.  There’s always a way!

So, if you are concerned about the look of an irrigation system, even though you might wish for the benefits, just call us.  If you ring during office hours our friendly team will be happy to discuss the possibilities with you and reassure you further.