25 Oct David Hockney Spring Flowers for Autumn!
Garden art for October
Every month we like to share some art for garden lovers. Our choice for October is, ironically a spring picture. We thought that due to the recent cold weather you might need a reminder of warmer seasons! So, this month’s painting is some David Hockney spring flowers. It depicts flowers growing in a container in the garden. As far as we know it doesn’t have a title of its own, as it was one of a series that Hockney released ‘as a respite from the news’ in spring 2020.
Painting the spring
For some time the artist has explored drawing using an iPad, working from life with the trees or flowers in front of him. As you can see from the picture, this method allows a very lively, colourful response to his subject. Hockney was at his house in Normandy working on drawings of the bare winter trees, when the pandemic struck. He had always intended to draw the spring awakening too – that had been his main reason for staying there. So, Hockney continued working, and first released a single drawing – of some daffodils – in March 2020. He called it ‘Do Remember They Can’t Cancel the Spring’, wanting to bring a note of hope and beauty in the midst of all the bad news. A month later, he released a selection of other iPad spring pictures, of which this is one.
If you’d like to see the rest, you can go to the BBC website and read the David Hockney Spring Flowers interview which includes the pictures too.
Speaking as garden fans, and knowing that our clients are too, we thought this was a great response to the pandemic from someone who realises that we all have something to offer others. We can’t all be lifesaving doctors or scientists, but maintaining our mental wellbeing is equally important. So, we should encourage each other to enjoy the beauty in the world and try not to dwell on depressing news. Nature is very good at soothing us – so try to find peace in your gardens, as we do.
Do give Rosewood a call if you’d like us to make sure your garden stays as beautiful as possible – helping gardens thrive is what we’re all about. And a beautiful thriving garden helps you to stay happy – it’s a win win situation!