30 Jul Art and the Garden at Giverny
Rosewood’s garden art for July
Our Monet garden painting for July is this one painted in the artist’s beautiful garden in 1901. It’s called ‘Pathway through the Garden at Giverny’. It captures the heat and colour of a summer garden perfectly, with the multitude of flowers and the strong contrasts of light and shade.
Visit Giverny if you can
Giverny is a beautiful garden. Anyone who likes gardens would enjoy visiting it. You can find out more by clicking on the following link to the Giverny website: Monet’s garden at Giverny. There are so many different areas to enjoy. You can visit the famous Japanese water garden with its green bridge and water-lily ponds. There is also the Clos Normand flower garden with its walkways and beautifully designed planting. And of course, you can visit Monet’s house at the same time.
How did they manage without irrigation?!
As with any large and beautiful old garden, we don’t know how Monet managed to keep Giverny so beautiful without a Rosewood irrigation system! We’re convinced that Monet would have been on to Rosewood to have one installed if we’d been around back then! Luckily, we’re here for you now, so if you are interested in irrigation to help your garden thrive, give us a call on 01727 811448 today!