02 Apr April art from the garden
If you’re anything like us, you love the spring sunshine. So, it’s wonderful that we’ve been able to get outside and experience such good weather over the last week or so. Now that April is here, we’re hoping for plenty more sunny days and lots of mild weather. More flowers appear everywhere we look now, and the trees around here are already in blossom. If it’s the same where you are, you’ll be enchanted by this month’s picture in Grasset’s Belle Jardiniere series. Our April art from the garden depicts her surrounded by the signs of full-blown spring: white blossom on the apple trees, anemones in her hand, primroses on the ground, and a pretty stream flowing along with marsh marigolds in the front of the image. Isn’t it beautiful? And she isn’t even wearing a cardigan!!!
If you want to see more of Grasset’s pictures, click here for the Blog roll and you can scroll down and find images from previous months.
Enjoy the spring!