26 Aug Address the world’s water, sustainability and development issues
Did you know that this week is World Water Week? If not, you can keep reading to find out more. This global initiative organised by the Stockholm International Water Institute in Sweden is held annually. Every year, SIWI hosts a week-long conference in Stockholm in late August or September. In 2019 it runs from 25th to 30th August. The event involves an extensive programme of sessions. These address the world’s water, sustainability and development issues. As a result, attendees come from all over the globe to discuss these areas together.
We are working in an industry where water use is central. Therefore, we feel it’s our duty to encourage responsible usage. Irrigation of domestic gardens might seem a luxury, but this is not necessarily the case. A well-designed system can actually save water compared with using a hosepipe or watering can. In the UK, dripline is exempt from hosepipe bans when these are in force, due to the remarkably efficient use of water. When plant roots are targeted directly there is no wastage. In this way you can keep your plants healthy and give them the exact quantity of water they need.
To find out more about World Water Week, you can view the Wikipedia page here:
or to view information about this year’s programme, visit the World Water Week website:
If you want to find out about having an irrigation system installed, give us a call on 01727 811448 or use the form on our Contact page here.