27 Apr The most efficient use of water
When targeting the roots of plants in garden borders, dripline achieves the most efficient use of water, so it’s an irrigation solution we use regularly. Pre-drilled holes in the tubing emit water at a steady rate, keeping the soil evenly moist. It works best left on the surface of the soil, but we cover it with bark mulch so that it remains invisible and no water is lost via evaporation. Because the dripline wets the whole of the planting area evenly, the roots of every plant can reach the water they need. The result? Each one can flourish, and the border ends up looking healthy and green, just as you envisaged it.
The photo show the installation of dripline at a Rosewood job we attended yesterday. We usually lay the line around established planting in a grid pattern devised to ensure the best and most even coverage possible. As the planting was not complete at the time of this particular installation, we pegged the dripline in a temporary position and left it uncovered so it remains visible. That way planting can be continued without the potential for damage with forks or spades, as although dripline is simple to repair, we’d rather save the client the cost of doing so. Then once the shrubs and perennials are in, the lines will be adjusted into their final positions to suit the planting, and the irrigation can be covered with mulch.
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