19 Oct Meet Our New Digger
We have a new machine!
You may remember that in our last post, we talked about hiding a huge water tank. Bearing in mind that burying a big tank underground is often a great solution to that issue, we have invested in a great addition to our Rosewood machines. We thought you might like to meet our new digger!
Easy to hide a tank, and much more economic
If you’ve been thinking about having an irrigation system installed but were worried about where to put a water tank, worry no more! Having our own Rosewood digger means that we can bury a tank far more quickly. Of course, fewer man hours for our engineers mean savings for our customers too. We all benefit.
Give Rosewood a call to discuss irrigation for your garden. Winter is really the ideal time for us to install a system in established gardens. This is because all the growth is dormant, so we won’t disturb precious plants. With that in mind, there’s no need to leave it until the spring when we might be too busy to fit you in – call now on 01727 811448
Just a thought:
Pssst… if you or your kids or grandchildren love diggers, we found this theme park devoted to them.